Malware Explained in 2 Minutes

Malware is a short term that covers a number of malicious software, such as viruses, ransomware, worms, scareware, spyware, and many more, intended to invade or damage computers, smartphones, and similar other devices.
Malware is used by cybercriminals to steal the victim’s credit card data, trick the victim to provide personal data, get access to the victim’s computer/smartphone data, infect the computer to use its computing power to mine Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, etc.
How does Malware Work?
The two main sources for malware to penetrate your system are email and the internet. When you are browsing through a legitimate site showing malicious ads, installing unknown apps, opening malicious email attachments/links, surfing hacked websites, or doing similar other activities online, malware can penetrate your system.
If you experience your computer is running slow, the system is crashing, disk space is decreasing, or your access to the entire computer or files being lost, then it’s an indication that your system is compromised.
How to Prevent Malware?
There are many ways to prevent malware come close to your devices. Some of the key prevention measures are listed below:

  • Keep your operating system and all the software patched and up-to-date.
  • Limit the apps you install on your device. Make sure you only have the apps you actually need.
  • Don’t click on unknown links when you receive them via email, social media, or text message.
  • Install antivirus software on your device.
  • Don’t download/open email attachments unless you know what they are.

Malware is a pack of malicious software, which must never come close to your devices. By following the above prevention measures and similar others, you can protect your devices and data significantly.